Thirty-six years ago today, episode 482 of Jeopardy! hosted by Alex Trebek aired in syndication. One of the contestants was someone familiar to readers of this blog: Paul Schindler, the longtime software reviewer and frequent panelist on Computer Chronicles. As it turned out Schindler–who recently celebrated his 70th birthday–was something of a game show aficionado back in the day.
According to Schindler’s own account, he first tried out for the original Jeopardy! (1964 - 1975) hosted by Art Fleming. While a freshman at MIT in the early 1970s, Schindler took the train from Boston to New York, where Jeopardy! *taped at the time, to take the test. But he never received a callback, which Scindler thought might have been due to his long hair and beard scaring off the producers at the time.