Chronicles-Related Sites
- Computer Chronicles (Archive) – The Internet Archive repository of Computer Chronicles episodes.
- Computer Chronicles Metadata Editor – A project to complete the metadata for the Computer Chronicles episodes hosted at the Internet Archive.
- P.S. A Column on Things – A personal blog by longtime Computer Chronicles contributor Paul E. Schindler, Jr.
- Visual Explorer: Computer Chronicles 1982-2002 Archive – The GDELT Project’s “skimmable thumbnail” version of the Internet Archive’s Computer Chronicles collection.
Additional Blogs, Creators, and Podcasts
- A Critical Hit
- AerynOS
- ANTIC: The Atari 8-Bit Podcast
- Atari Archive
- BSD Now
- Classic Computer Magazine Archive
- Computer History Museum
- Craig Maloney
- DOS Game Club
- Floppy Days Vintage Computing Podcast
- Gaming Alexandria
- Into the Aether
- Late Night Linux
- Ms. Mad Lemon
- Nerdly Pleasures
- Open Source Security
- Retro Game Club Podcast
- ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories
- Steve’s Old Computer Museum
- Tedium
- The CRPG Addict
- The Digital Antiquarian
- The Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes Podcast
- The History of How We Play
- The Homelab Show
- The Memory Machine Podcast
- The Silicon Underground
- The Ted Dabney Experience
- They Create Worlds
- This Week in Retro
- Veronica Explains
- Video Game History Foundation
- Video Game Newsroom Time Machine
- Vintage Apple
- Vintage Computing and Gaming
- Virtual Moose
- Which Game First